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A month without Facebook


On the 16th of October I lost it with Facebook again, another post rejected for no obvious reason (it really was not that bad, honestly). In a fit of rage I deleted the app off all of my devices. Has this been a good experience?

My iPhone gives me a weekly screen time report and it is down massively, the battery life has gone up massively too. Guess this means that a majority of my phone time was Facebook time.

Have I missed anything vital? Well, my account is still there if I need it, just not the app. I did log on from my desktop computer to check details oof an event that I was going to, in honesty it would have been hard to get up to date information any other way. I've also receive and replies to two messages of the messenger app (about my normal run rate).

In the current world, not using Facebook is pretty much like divorcing society. I no longer know who has what for tea, who has started or left relationships etc. On balance, it occurs to me that I don't really care all that much either.

I expect I'll go back one day but I don't feel in any great rush over it.

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