A strange question but, in this case, it was much cheaper. A few days ago, I wanted a few circle hooks to tie a couple of fishing rigs for the tackle box. I intended to get the bus to town and go to the local tackle shop where they would have cost me about £3 plus £4 for the bus tickets (and a bonus Greggs visit). It was raining so I thought I'd put the job off and buy them on eBay instead.

A quick search and I found some in a job lot which I won for £2.71 plus £4 delivery (the same as the planned bus ticket). The difference is that they came with
5 x 10" Flying collar booms
3 x 6" Sidewinder Sandeels (Rhubarb & Custard)
4 x 4" Sidewinder Super Shads (Ghost White)
4 x 4" Sidewinder Super Shads (Orange)
15 Pennel Big Mouth 4/0 Hooks
1 x Herring Rig
1 x Feather Rig
1 x Muppet Rig
1 x 3 Hook Flapper Rig
8 x 3" Plastic Lures
A used finger protector
The collar booms are no use to me and I'm unconvinced by a used finger protector but the rest add up to around £40 of handy spares. The rigs and 3" lures can go into my float box with a small weight and jig head to add a bit of versatility, they are in sealed packets and can wait in there indefinitely in case they are handy one day.
The only downside is that I missed out on my Greggs.