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Saving on Shaving


Updated: Nov 27, 2023

As I’ve said before, a few years ago, I started wet shaving. I’ve just had to order some new blades so, have I actually saved any money?

For several years I didn’t shave at all. Unfortunately, my beard turned out to be rubbish and I looked like a hobo but it was certainly the cheapest option.

After that, I migrated to supermarket branded twin blade disposables and canned shaving foam. Seemingly cheap and effective. I got through two packs of razors and a can of foam a month, not too bad I thought and they did a good enough job.

During the Covid lockdown, mainly because it was easier and because we did odd things to pass the time back then; I ‘invested big’ in a cheap safety razor, a Wilkinson Sword brush, 100 Derby blades, Arko soap and a sharps bin for the used blades. These were all from Amazon and cost me less than £16 in total so actually not a big investment at all. Not exactly the same as the picture but, broadly similar.

Three years on and the only thing I’ve needed to buy is blades (about to buy my second lot), the soap will run out in a couple of months so I will get some more at the same time. The brush and razor will last a long time yet and the sharps bin is going to take some years to fill.

I’ve run a quick price check of the disposable razor and foam vs the safety razor and soap. I believe the savings for me to be in the region of £70 a year. Not enough to change my life but not bad since the two approaches achieve precisely the same thing for the same amount of effort.

It is also worth noting that the disposables and can were just going to landfill where they will be a nuisance forever, with the safety razor option only the blades become waste and even they can be recycled in due course. It seems like a winner to me.

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