My recent experiment growing microgreens from things found in the back of my kitchen cupboard was a success. On the back of this, I went wild and bought a few packets of seeds from Wilco’s in their dying hours (costing only a few pennies) and then hit Amazon for a couple of sprouting jars too (I'll report on them once I have got to grips with them properly, but the early signs are promising.

The result; after less than a week of growing time, breakfast today was a couple of sausages and an underdone slice of toast (couldn’t be bothered to fix that first thing in the morning). Unfortunately, I missed out on an egg as I forgot to put them on my shopping list. Instead, I was able to plunder the windowsill for cress, white mustard leaves, lentil shoots and a pile of sprouted alfalfa (a week ago I would have probably thought that was something in space).
Not quite self sufficiency but not bad for a beginner. The next on my list are sprouted broccoli and mung beans both of which I ‘planted’ last night and should be ready in less than a week. It seems that gardening does not actually require a garden.